Ideas y presupuestos (2013) avaible materials and related links
curated by Martí Manen
"Ideas y Presupuestos" (Ideas and budgets) is an exhibition which presents, with no adornment, artists’ ideas and the budgets to carry them out. The gallery shows texts explaining ideas and Excel documents with the budgets for their production. Purchasers acquire the right to produce an artwork.

With: Sebastian Beyro, Black Tulip, Bonus extra, Kalle Brolin, Chefer, Priscila Fernandes, Sandra Paula Fernández, Ana García Pineda, Luis Perez Calvo, Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum, Laramascoto, Connie Mendoza, Carlos Motta, Carl Palm, Pepo Salazar, Guillem Juan Sancho, YES
open the exhibition
updated at april 24,2013