Sound and me (2004) avaible materials and related links
curated by Martí Manen / David Armengol


Interviews with Oscar Abril Ascaso, Vito Acconci, Alku, Balago, Josep Manuel Berenguer, Manuel Borja-Villel, Cd_drome, Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Emak Bakia, Foehn Records, Marta García Quiñones, Roland Groenenboom, Mike Kelley, Felix
Kubin, Christina Kubisch, Lucky Kitchen, Manta Ray, Jordi Mitjà, Les Nouveaux Auteurs, Papa M, Platoniq, Job Ramos, Lee Ranaldo, Refree, Resonance FM, Oriol Rossell, Dj Rupture, Semiconductor.
open the exhibition
updated at january 13,2012